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[1]   ...  [2037]  ...  [4528]   [4529]   [4530]   [4531]   [4532]   [4533]   [4534]   [4535]   [4536]   [4537]   [4538]   ...  [4633]  ...  [4685]   
1 Recombinant PALMD1
2 重组Palmdelphin蛋白(PALMD)1
3 Recombinant EPS8 like 1 protein1
4 Recombinant EPS8L11
5 重组EPS8L1蛋白1
6 Recombinant coiled-coil and C2 domain containing 1A protein1
7 Recombinant CC2D1A1
8 重组含卷曲螺旋C2域蛋白1A(CC2D1A)1
9 Recombinant membrane spanning 4-domains A12 protein1
10 Recombinant MS4A121
11 重组MS4A12蛋白1
12 Recombinant terminal nucleotidyltransferase 5C protein1
13 Recombinant TENT5C1
14 重组FAM46C蛋白1
15 Recombinant epithelial splicing regulatory protein 1 protein1
16 Recombinant ESRP11
17 重组RNA结合蛋白35A1
18 Recombinant aprataxin protein1
19 Recombinant APTX1
20 重组共济失调性眼球运动功能丧失相关蛋白AOA11
21 Recombinant asporin protein1
22 Recombinant ASPN1
23 重组无孢蛋白(ASPN)1
24 Recombinant BCAS3 microtubule associated cell migration factor protein1
25 Recombinant BCAS31
26 重组乳腺癌扩增序列3(BCAS3)蛋白1
27 Recombinant TRPM71
28 重组转化受体电位阳离子通道亚家族M成员7(TRPM7)蛋白1
29 重组瞬时受体电位离子通道蛋白7(M亚家族)1
30 Recombinant ERCC excision repair 6 like, spindle assembly checkpoint helicase protein1
31 Recombinant ERCC6L1
32 重组发育相关蛋白ERCC6L/乙醇致畸因子1
33 Recombinant nudE neurodevelopment protein 1 protein1
34 Recombinant NDE11
35 重组核分布基因E同源蛋白11
36 Recombinant DYM1
37 重组迪格弗梅尔基奥尔克劳森综合征蛋白(DYM)1
38 重组迪格弗-梅尔基奥尔-克劳森综合征相关蛋白1
39 Recombinant cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 2 protein1
40 Recombinant CNNM21
41 重组周期素M2蛋白1
42 Recombinant HAUS augmin like complex subunit 6 protein1
43 Recombinant HAUS61
44 重组FAM29蛋白1
45 Recombinant TRPM41
46 重组转化受体电位阳离子通道亚家族M成员4(TRPM4)蛋白1
47 重组瞬时受体电位阳离子通道亚家族M成员4蛋白1
48 Recombinant potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 9 protein1
49 Recombinant KCTD91
50 重组KCTD9蛋白1
51 Recombinant tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 2 protein1
52 Recombinant TET21
53 重组甲基双加氧酶TET2蛋白1
54 Recombinant DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B12 protein1
55 Recombinant DNAJB121
56 重组DNAJB12蛋白1
57 Recombinant RNF1111
58 重组环指蛋白1111
59 重组Arkadia蛋白(ARK)1
60 Recombinant DIRAS family GTPase 2 protein1
61 Recombinant DIRAS21
62 重组DIRAS2蛋白1
63 Recombinant tripartite motif containing 44 protein1
64 Recombinant TRIM441
65 重组TRIM44蛋白1
66 Recombinant IL17RD1
67 重组白介素17受体D(IL17RD)蛋白1
68 重组白介素17受体D蛋白1
69 Recombinant fibronectin type III domain containing 8 protein1
70 Recombinant FNDC81
71 重组III型纤维连接蛋白域蛋白81
72 Recombinant FBLIM11
73 重组丝蛋白结合LIM蛋白1(FBLIM1)1
74 重组FBLIM1蛋白1
75 Recombinant EPDR11
76 重组室管膜蛋白相关蛋白1(EPDR1)1
77 重组哺乳动物室管膜相关蛋白11
78 Recombinant XIAP associated factor 1 protein1
79 Recombinant XAF11
80 重组XIAP相关因子1凋亡抑制蛋白1
81 Recombinant FEV transcription factor, ETS family member protein1
82 Recombinant FEV1
83 重组ETS结构域转录因子FEV蛋白1
84 Recombinant RAB39A, member RAS oncogene family protein1
85 Recombinant RAB39A1
86 重组RAB39A蛋白1
87 Recombinant egl-9 family hypoxia-inducible factor 3 protein1
88 Recombinant Egln31
89 重组脯氨酸羟化酶蛋白1
90 Recombinant RRN3 homolog, RNA polymerase I transcription factor protein1
91 Recombinant RRN31
92 重组转录起始因子1A蛋白1
93 Recombinant cytotoxic and regulatory T cell molecule protein1
94 Recombinant Crtam1
95 重组T细胞调控相关蛋白1
96 Recombinant zinc finger HIT-type containing 6 protein1
97 Recombinant ZNHIT61
98 重组1号染色体开放阅读框181蛋白1
99 Recombinant transmembrane protein 106B protein1
100 Recombinant TMEM106B1
[4685]   ...  [4624]  ...  [4534]   [4533]   [4532]   [4531]   [4530]   [4529]   [4528]   [4527]   [4526]   [4525]   [4524]   [4523]   [4522]   ...  [1808]  ...  [1]