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1 Recombinant CYP39A11
2 重组胆固醇24α7羟化酶蛋白1
3 Recombinant NRN11
4 重组转化神经突起蛋白1
5 重组神经突蛋白1(NRN1)1
6 Recombinant CD320 molecule protein1
7 Recombinant CD3201
8 重组CD320分子(CD320)蛋白1
9 Recombinant guanosine monophosphate reductase 2 protein1
10 Recombinant GMPR21
11 重组鸟苷酸还原酶2蛋白1
12 Recombinant ERGIC and golgi 2 protein1
13 Recombinant ERGIC21
14 重组ERGIC2蛋白1
15 Recombinant RXFP31
16 重组松弛素/胰岛素样肽受体3(RXFP3)蛋白1
17 重组G蛋白偶联受体135/松弛素受体31
18 Recombinant cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation 1 protein1
19 Recombinant CEND11
20 重组细胞周期通道和神经细胞分化蛋白11
21 Recombinant TLR71
22 重组Toll样受体7蛋白1
23 重组Toll样受体7(TLR7)蛋白1
24 Recombinant bifunctional apoptosis regulator protein1
25 Recombinant BFAR1
26 重组环指蛋白471
27 Recombinant GOLM11
28 重组高尔基磷酸化蛋白2(GOLPH2)1
29 重组高尔基体膜蛋白GP731
30 Recombinant DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C27 protein1
31 Recombinant DNAJC271
32 重组RBJ蛋白1
33 Recombinant UBAP11
34 重组泛素相关蛋白11
35 重组泛素关联蛋白1(UBAP1)1
36 Recombinant C-type lectin domain family 1 member A protein1
37 Recombinant CLEC1A1
38 重组C型凝集素结构域家族1成员A蛋白1
39 Recombinant C-type lectin domain family 1 member B protein1
40 Recombinant CLEC1B1
41 重组C型凝集素结构域家族1成员B蛋白1
42 Recombinant CDKL31
43 重组细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶样31
44 重组RAS样蛋白121
45 Recombinant polysaccharide biosynthesis domain containing 1 protein1
46 Recombinant PBDC11
47 重组X染色体开放阅读框26蛋白1
48 Recombinant membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 2 protein1
49 Recombinant MARCHF21
50 重组膜相关环指蛋白21
51 Recombinant 5'-nucleotidase, cytosolic IIIA protein1
52 Recombinant NT5C3A1
53 重组NT5C3蛋白1
54 Recombinant marginal zone B and B1 cell specific protein1
55 Recombinant MZB11
56 重组MZB1蛋白1
57 Recombinant HGH1 homolog protein1
58 Recombinant HGH11
59 重组8号染色体开放阅读框30a蛋白1
60 Recombinant VRK serine/threonine kinase 3 protein1
61 Recombinant VRK31
62 重组VRK3蛋白1
63 Recombinant glycolipid transfer protein1
64 Recombinant GLTP1
65 重组糖脂转运蛋白(GLTP)1
66 Recombinant ABI family member 3 protein1
67 Recombinant ABI31
68 重组ABI基因家族2蛋白1
69 Recombinant claudin 18 protein1
70 Recombinant CLDN181
71 重组封闭蛋白18(CLDN18)1
72 Recombinant glycoprotein VI platelet protein1
73 Recombinant GP61
74 重组糖蛋白VI/六糖蛋白1
75 Recombinant ACP61
76 重组溶血磷脂酸酸性磷酸酶(ACP6)蛋白1
77 重组淋巴细胞磷蛋白磷酸酶相关蛋白1
78 Recombinant translational activator of cytochrome c oxidase I protein1
79 Recombinant TACO11
80 重组CCDC44/卷曲螺旋结构域蛋白441
81 Recombinant NUSAP11
82 重组核仁纺锤体关联蛋白1(NUSAP1)1
83 重组核仁和纺锤体相关蛋白11
84 Recombinant DEAD-box helicase 47 protein1
85 Recombinant DDX471
86 重组ATP依赖RNA解旋酶DDX47蛋白1
87 Recombinant zinc finger DHHC-type palmitoyltransferase 2 protein1
88 Recombinant ZDHHC21
89 重组锌指蛋白3721
90 Recombinant carboxypeptidase A4 protein1
91 Recombinant CPA41
92 重组羧肽酶A4(CPA4)蛋白1
93 Recombinant IPO111
94 重组输入蛋白11(IPO11)1
95 重组Ran结合蛋白111
96 Recombinant CRBN1
97 重组Cereblon蛋白(CRBN)1
98 重组cereblon蛋白1
99 Recombinant DCXR1
100 重组羰基还原酶2蛋白1
[4685]   ...  [4621]  ...  [4526]   [4525]   [4524]   [4523]   [4522]   [4521]   [4520]   [4519]   [4518]   [4517]   [4516]   [4515]   [4514]   ...  [1805]  ...  [1]