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[1]   ...  [2004]  ...  [4455]   [4456]   [4457]   [4458]   [4459]   [4460]   [4461]   [4462]   [4463]   [4464]   [4465]   ...  [4608]  ...  [4685]   
1 Recombinant Rho GTPase activating protein 25 protein1
2 Recombinant ARHGAP251
3 重组ARHGAP25蛋白1
4 Recombinant CD3021
5 重组C型凝集素受体CLEC13A蛋白1
6 重组C-型凝集素域家族13成员A(CLEC13A)蛋白1
7 Recombinant MAF bZIP transcription factor B protein1
8 Recombinant MAFB1
9 重组MAFB蛋白1
10 Recombinant P2RY141
11 重组G蛋白偶联受体GPR105蛋白1
12 重组G蛋白偶联受体1051
13 Recombinant Josephin domain containing 1 protein1
14 Recombinant JOSD11
15 重组JOSD1蛋白1
16 Recombinant KIF141
17 重组驱动蛋白家族成员14(KIF14)1
18 重组驱动蛋白家族Member14蛋白1
19 Recombinant MFN21
20 重组融合素2(MFN2)蛋白1
21 重组线粒体融合蛋白Mfn21
22 Recombinant zinc finger and BTB domain containing 40 protein1
23 Recombinant ZBTB401
24 重组锌指蛋白9231
25 Recombinant ring finger protein 10 protein1
26 Recombinant RNF101
27 重组环指蛋白101
28 Recombinant non-SMC condensin I complex subunit D2 protein1
29 Recombinant NCAPD21
30 重组染色体相关蛋白21
31 Recombinant ARNT21
32 重组芳香烃受体核转录蛋白21
33 重组芳香烃受体核转位蛋白2(ARNT2)1
34 Recombinant G3BP stress granule assembly factor 2 protein1
35 Recombinant G3BP21
36 重组G3BP2蛋白1
37 Recombinant mannose receptor C type 2 protein1
38 Recombinant MRC21
39 重组甘露糖受体C2(MRC2)蛋白1
40 Recombinant synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A protein1
41 Recombinant SV2A1
42 重组突触泡蛋白2A1
43 Recombinant synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2B protein1
44 Recombinant SV2B1
45 重组突触泡蛋白2B1
46 Recombinant ubiquitin associated protein 2 like protein1
47 Recombinant UBAP2L1
48 重组UBAP2L蛋白1
49 Recombinant FIG4 phosphoinositide 5-phosphatase protein1
50 Recombinant FIG41
51 重组肌萎缩侧索硬化症相关蛋白FIG41
52 Recombinant NUAK11
53 重组NUAK家族SNF1样激酶1(NUAK1)蛋白1
54 重组AMPK的相关蛋白激酶51
55 Recombinant Rho related BTB domain containing 1 protein1
56 Recombinant RHOBTB11
57 重组Rho相关结构域BTB蛋白质11
58 Recombinant oxysterol binding protein like 2 protein1
59 Recombinant OSBPL21
60 重组氧固醇结合蛋白样21
61 Recombinant POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin protein1
62 Recombinant POM1211
63 重组POM121蛋白1
64 Recombinant TBC1D41
65 重组TBC结构域家族D4蛋白1
66 重组TBC结构域TBCD4蛋白1
67 Recombinant zinc finger CCCH-type containing 11A protein1
68 Recombinant ZC3H11A1
69 重组ZC3H11A蛋白1
70 Recombinant tousled like kinase 1 protein1
71 Recombinant TLK11
72 重组调节染色体组装激酶1蛋白1
73 Recombinant SET domain bifurcated histone lysine methyltransferase 1 protein1
74 Recombinant SETDB11
75 重组组蛋白H3K9甲基转移酶41
76 Recombinant translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 70 protein1
77 Recombinant TOMM701
78 重组TOMM70A蛋白1
79 Recombinant membrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing 2 protein1
80 Recombinant MAGI21
81 重组激活素受体1蛋白1
82 Recombinant mediator complex subunit 24 protein1
83 Recombinant MED241
84 重组TRAP100蛋白1
85 Recombinant PSMD61
86 重组非ATP酶蛋白酶体26S亚基6(PSMD6)1
87 重组蛋白酶调解因子61
88 Recombinant centrosomal protein 170 protein1
89 Recombinant CEP1701
90 重组中心体蛋白CEP1701
91 Recombinant FERM, ARH/RhoGEF and pleckstrin domain protein 2 protein1
92 Recombinant FARP21
93 重组鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子FARP2蛋白1
94 Recombinant EPM2A interacting protein 1 protein1
95 Recombinant EPM2AIP11
96 重组肌痉挛性癫痫病1蛋白1
97 Recombinant GAB21
98 重组接头蛋白Gab 21
99 重组GRB2关联结合蛋白2(GAB2)1
100 Recombinant ELMO11
[4685]   ...  [4595]  ...  [4461]   [4460]   [4459]   [4458]   [4457]   [4456]   [4455]   [4454]   [4453]   [4452]   [4451]   [4450]   [4449]   ...  [1779]  ...  [1]