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产品列表 产品名称索引 化工字典索引
[1]   ...  [2001]  ...  [4447]   [4448]   [4449]   [4450]   [4451]   [4452]   [4453]   [4454]   [4455]   [4456]   [4457]   ...  [4605]  ...  [4685]   
1 Recombinant SLC9A3R21
2 重组钠氢交换调控因子2(SLC9A3R2)蛋白1
3 重组溶质载体家族蛋白9成员3调节因子21
4 Recombinant cerberus 1, DAN family BMP antagonist protein1
5 Recombinant CER11
6 重组Cerberus蛋白(CER)1
7 Recombinant TAO kinase 2 protein1
8 Recombinant TAOK21
9 重组TAOK2蛋白1
10 Recombinant elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain containing 2 protein1
11 Recombinant EFTUD21
12 重组延伸因子结合蛋白EFTUD21
13 Recombinant synaptosome associated protein 29 protein1
14 Recombinant SNAP291
15 重组突触相关蛋白291
16 Recombinant VAMP31
17 重组囊泡相关膜蛋白31
18 重组囊泡关联膜蛋白3(VAMP3)1
19 Recombinant glucagon like peptide 2 receptor protein1
20 Recombinant GLP2R1
21 重组胰高血糖素样肽2受体蛋白1
22 Recombinant transcription elongation factor A like 1 protein1
23 Recombinant TCEAL11
24 重组TCEAL1蛋白1
25 Recombinant CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 8 protein1
26 Recombinant CNOT81
27 重组细胞表面趋化因子受体4相关蛋白81
28 Recombinant beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase 5 protein1
29 Recombinant B4GALT51
30 重组B4GALT5蛋白1
31 Recombinant transglutaminase 5 protein1
32 Recombinant TGM51
33 重组TGM5蛋白1
34 Recombinant CD1631
35 重组CD163蛋白1
36 重组CD163分子(CD163)蛋白1
37 Recombinant general transcription factor IIIC subunit 3 protein1
38 Recombinant GTF3C31
39 重组GTF3C3蛋白1
40 Recombinant general transcription factor IIIC subunit 4 protein1
41 Recombinant GTF3C41
42 重组GTF3C4蛋白1
43 Recombinant thyroid hormone receptor interactor 4 protein1
44 Recombinant TRIP41
45 重组甲状腺激素受体4蛋白1
46 Recombinant HMGN31
47 重组高迁移率族蛋白N31
48 重组高迁移率族核小体结合域蛋白3(HMGN3)1
49 Recombinant thyroid hormone receptor interactor 10 protein1
50 Recombinant TRIP101
51 重组细胞分化周期CDC424蛋白1
52 Recombinant thyroid hormone receptor interactor 13 protein1
53 Recombinant TRIP131
54 重组TRIP13蛋白1
55 Recombinant COPS21
56 重组甲状腺激素受体相互作用15蛋白1
57 重组甲状腺受体15蛋白1
58 Recombinant neuronal regeneration related protein1
59 Recombinant NREP1
60 重组神经再生相关蛋白1
61 Recombinant KLF41
62 重组肠道内富含的Kruppel样因子/上皮锌指蛋白41
63 重组Kruppel样因子4(KLF4)蛋白1
64 Recombinant MMP201
65 重组基质金属蛋白酶20(MMP20)1
66 重组基质金属蛋白酶201
67 Recombinant potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 2 protein1
68 Recombinant KCNB21
69 重组电压门控性钾通道Kv2,2蛋白1
70 Recombinant acid sensing ion channel subunit 3 protein1
71 Recombinant ASIC31
72 重组酸敏感离子通道蛋白31
73 Recombinant CD83 molecule protein1
74 Recombinant CD831
75 重组CD83分子(CD83)蛋白1
76 Recombinant suppressor of cytokine signaling 6 protein1
77 Recombinant SOCS61
78 重组细胞因子信号传导抑制蛋白61
79 Recombinant ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit F protein1
80 Recombinant ATP6V1F1
81 重组ATP6V1F蛋白1
82 Recombinant serine and arginine rich splicing factor 11 protein1
83 Recombinant SRSF111
84 重组富含精氨酸/丝氨酸剪切因子11蛋白1
85 Recombinant sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 2 protein1
86 Recombinant S1PR21
87 重组S1PR2蛋白1
88 Recombinant G protein-coupled receptor 52 protein1
89 Recombinant GPR521
90 重组G蛋白偶联受体521
91 Recombinant G protein-coupled receptor 55 protein1
92 Recombinant GPR551
93 重组蛋白偶联受体551
94 Recombinant adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G1 protein1
95 Recombinant ADGRG11
96 重组蛋白偶联受体561
97 Recombinant TAAR21
98 重组痕量胺关联受体2(TAAR2)蛋白1
99 重组G蛋白偶联受体581
100 Recombinant G protein-coupled receptor 37 like 1 protein1
[4685]   ...  [4592]  ...  [4453]   [4452]   [4451]   [4450]   [4449]   [4448]   [4447]   [4446]   [4445]   [4444]   [4443]   [4442]   [4441]   ...  [1776]  ...  [1]