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产品列表 产品名称索引 化工字典索引
[1]   ...  [1912]  ...  [4251]   [4252]   [4253]   [4254]   [4255]   [4256]   [4257]   [4258]   [4259]   [4260]   [4261]   ...  [4536]  ...  [4685]   
1 Recombinant F-box protein 30 protein1
2 Recombinant Fbxo301
3 重组Fbxo30蛋白1
4 Recombinant zinc finger SWIM-type containing 2 protein1
5 Recombinant Zswim21
6 重组Zswim2蛋白1
7 Recombinant synaptonemal complex central element protein 2 protein1
8 Recombinant Syce21
9 重组Syce2蛋白1
10 Recombinant R3H domain and coiled-coil containing 1 protein1
11 Recombinant R3hcc11
12 重组R3H卷曲螺旋结构域蛋白11
13 Recombinant leucine rich repeat containing 34 protein1
14 Recombinant Lrrc341
15 重组富含亮氨酸重复蛋白341
16 Recombinant trypsin domain containing 1 protein1
17 Recombinant Tysnd11
18 重组Tysnd1蛋白1
19 Recombinant serine/threonine kinase 11 interacting protein1
20 Recombinant Stk11ip1
21 重组丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶作用蛋白111
22 Recombinant synapse defective 1, Rho GTPase, homolog 1 (C. elegans) protein1
23 Recombinant Syde11
24 重组Syde1蛋白1
25 Recombinant RNA binding motif protein 43 protein1
26 Recombinant Rbm431
27 重组RNA结合蛋白431
28 Recombinant ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit D protein1
29 Recombinant Atp5h1
30 重组Atp5h蛋白1
31 Recombinant BRO1 domain and CAAX motif containing protein1
32 Recombinant Brox1
33 重组Brox蛋白1
34 Recombinant SANT and BTB domain regulator of CSR protein1
35 Recombinant Sanbr1
36 重组KIAA1841蛋白1
37 Recombinant armadillo-like helical domain containing 3 protein1
38 Recombinant Armh31
39 重组Armh3蛋白1
40 Recombinant family with sequence similarity 83, member C protein1
41 Recombinant Fam83c1
42 重组20号染色体开放阅读框128蛋白1
43 Recombinant chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 6 protein1
44 Recombinant Chd61
45 重组ATP依赖的解旋酶CHD6蛋白1
46 Recombinant trichohyalin-like 1 protein1
47 Recombinant Tchhl11
48 重组Tchhl1蛋白1
49 Recombinant coiled-coil domain containing 57 protein1
50 Recombinant Ccdc571
51 重组Ccdc57蛋白1
52 Recombinant maestro protein1
53 Recombinant Mro1
54 重组睾丸分化过程转录因子MRO蛋白1
55 Recombinant dynein assembly factor with WDR repeat domains 1 protein1
56 Recombinant Daw11
57 重组Daw1蛋白1
58 Recombinant Otud11
59 重组含OUT域蛋白1(OTUD1)1
60 重组OTUD1蛋白1
61 Recombinant C-type lectin domain family 12, member B protein1
62 Recombinant Clec12b1
63 重组Clec12b蛋白1
64 Recombinant exoribonuclease 2 protein1
65 Recombinant Eri21
66 重组EXOD1蛋白1
67 Recombinant golgi autoantigen, golgin subfamily a, 7B protein1
68 Recombinant Golga7b1
69 重组10号染色体开放阅读框132蛋白1
70 Recombinant SH2 domain containing 6 protein1
71 Recombinant Sh2d61
72 重组Sh2d6蛋白1
73 Recombinant glycosyltransferase 6 domain containing 1 protein1
74 Recombinant Glt6d11
75 重组糖基转移酶6结构1蛋白1
76 Recombinant transmembrane protein 30C protein1
77 Recombinant Tmem30c1
78 重组Tmem30c蛋白1
79 Recombinant coiled-coil domain containing 105 protein1
80 Recombinant Ccdc1051
81 重组Ccdc105蛋白1
82 Recombinant spermatogenesis associated 1 protein1
83 Recombinant Spata11
84 重组Spata1蛋白1
85 Recombinant coiled coil domain containing 178 protein1
86 Recombinant Ccdc1781
87 重组Ccdc178蛋白1
88 Recombinant testis expressed 47 protein1
89 Recombinant Tex471
90 重组7号染色体开放阅读框62蛋白1
91 Recombinant phytanoyl-CoA hydroxylase interacting protein-like protein1
92 Recombinant Phyhipl1
93 重组Phyhipl蛋白1
94 Recombinant golgi associated RAB2 interactor 2 protein1
95 Recombinant Garin21
96 重组FAM71D蛋白1
97 Recombinant EF-hand calcium binding domain 3 protein1
98 Recombinant Efcab31
99 重组EFCAB3蛋白1
100 Recombinant leucine rich repeat containing 63 protein1
[4685]   ...  [4513]  ...  [4257]   [4256]   [4255]   [4254]   [4253]   [4252]   [4251]   [4250]   [4249]   [4248]   [4247]   [4246]   [4245]   ...  [1697]  ...  [1]