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产品列表 产品名称索引 化工字典索引
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1 Recombinant PCDHGA71
2 重组原钙黏素γA7(PCDHgA7)蛋白1
3 重组原钙粘蛋白γA71
4 Recombinant PCDHGA111
5 重组原钙黏素γA11(PCDHgA11)蛋白1
6 重组原钙粘蛋白γA111
7 Recombinant protocadherin gamma subfamily B, 2 protein1
8 Recombinant PCDHGB21
9 重组原钙粘蛋白γB21
10 Recombinant protocadherin gamma subfamily B, 3 protein1
11 Recombinant PCDHGB31
12 重组PCDHGB3蛋白1
13 Recombinant protocadherin gamma subfamily B, 6 protein1
14 Recombinant PCDHGB61
15 重组原钙粘蛋白γB61
16 Recombinant carbonic anhydrase 5b, mitochondrial protein1
17 Recombinant Car5b1
18 重组Car5b蛋白1
19 Recombinant transmembrane protein 234 protein1
20 Recombinant TMEM2341
21 重组TMEM234蛋白1
22 Recombinant RAB5 interacting factor protein1
23 Recombinant RAB5IF1
24 重组20号染色体开放阅读框24蛋白1
25 Recombinant defensin beta 103B protein1
26 Recombinant DEFB103B1
27 重组防御素β103B(DEFB103B)蛋白1
28 Recombinant transmembrane protein 126B protein1
29 Recombinant TMEM126B1
30 重组TMEM126B蛋白1
31 Recombinant allantoicase protein1
32 Recombinant ALLC1
33 重组ALLC蛋白1
34 Recombinant translin associated factor X interacting protein 1 protein1
35 Recombinant TSNAXIP11
36 重组TSNAXIP1蛋白1
37 Recombinant tetratricopeptide repeat domain 17 protein1
38 Recombinant TTC171
39 重组TTC17蛋白1
40 Recombinant adaptor related protein complex 5 subunit mu 1 protein1
41 Recombinant AP5M11
42 重组AP5M1蛋白1
43 Recombinant family with sequence similarity 222 member B protein1
44 Recombinant FAM222B1
45 重组FAM222B蛋白1
46 Recombinant NEDD4 binding protein 2 protein1
47 Recombinant N4BP21
48 重组E3泛素连接酶NEDD4结合蛋白21
49 Recombinant limb development membrane protein 1 like protein1
50 Recombinant LMBR1L1
51 重组脂质运载蛋白相互作用膜受体蛋白1
52 Recombinant Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 40 protein1
53 Recombinant ARHGEF401
54 重组SOLO蛋白1
55 Recombinant FERM domain containing 4A protein1
56 Recombinant FRMD4A1
57 重组FRMD4A蛋白1
58 Recombinant transmembrane protein 127 protein1
59 Recombinant TMEM1271
60 重组TMEM127蛋白1
61 Recombinant solute carrier family 48 member 1 protein1
62 Recombinant SLC48A11
63 重组SLC48A1蛋白1
64 Recombinant phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class V protein1
65 Recombinant PIGV1
66 重组PIGV蛋白1
67 Recombinant syntabulin protein1
68 Recombinant SYBU1
69 重组SYBU蛋白1
70 Recombinant TBC1 domain family member 22B protein1
71 Recombinant TBC1D22B1
72 重组TBC1D22B蛋白1
73 Recombinant CDC42 binding protein kinase gamma protein1
74 Recombinant CDC42BPG1
75 重组CDC42BPG蛋白1
76 Recombinant sarcoma antigen 1 protein1
77 Recombinant SAGE11
78 重组肉瘤抗原1蛋白1
79 Recombinant adaptor related protein complex 1 associated regulatory protein1
80 Recombinant AP1AR1
81 重组AP1AR蛋白1
82 Recombinant nuclear cap binding subunit 3 protein1
83 Recombinant NCBP31
84 重组NCBP3蛋白1
85 Recombinant transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 6 protein1
86 Recombinant TMCO61
87 重组TMCO6蛋白1
88 Recombinant solute carrier family 22 member 15 protein1
89 Recombinant SLC22A151
90 重组溶质载体家族22成员15蛋白1
91 Recombinant coordinator of PRMT5 and differentiation stimulator protein1
92 Recombinant COPRS1
93 重组PRMT5解离刺激分子协同因子(COPRS)蛋白1
94 Recombinant vanin 3, pseudogene protein1
95 Recombinant VNN3P1
96 重组VNN3P蛋白1
97 Recombinant t-complex 11 like 1 protein1
98 Recombinant TCP11L11
99 重组TCP11L1蛋白1
100 Recombinant zinc finger GRF-type containing 1 protein1
[4685]   ...  [4509]  ...  [4247]   [4246]   [4245]   [4244]   [4243]   [4242]   [4241]   [4240]   [4239]   [4238]   [4237]   [4236]   [4235]   ...  [1693]  ...  [1]