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Recombinant GLCE重组信号诱导增殖相关蛋白1样蛋白1
Recombinant SIPA1L1Recombinant signal induced proliferation associated 1 like 1 protein
重组染色质域解旋酶DNA结合蛋白5(CHD5)Recombinant CHD5
Recombinant chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 5 protein重组SS18L1蛋白
Recombinant SS18L1Recombinant SS18L1 subunit of BAF chromatin remodeling complex protein
重组环指蛋白160Recombinant LTN1
Recombinant listerin E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 protein重组孤独症易感基因2蛋白(自闭症相关蛋白1)
Recombinant AUTS2Recombinant activator of transcription and developmental regulator AUTS2 protein
重组Rab11家族5蛋白Recombinant RAB11FIP5
Recombinant RAB11 family interacting protein 5 protein重组ANKRD17蛋白
Recombinant ANKRD17Recombinant ankyrin repeat domain 17 protein
重组GIGYF2蛋白Recombinant GIGYF2
Recombinant GRB10 interacting GYF protein 2 protein重组CAST1蛋白
Recombinant ERC2Recombinant ELKS/RAB6-interacting/CAST family member 2 protein
重组维甲酸诱导蛋白14Recombinant RAI14
Recombinant retinoic acid induced 14 protein重组LSM14A蛋白
Recombinant LSM14ARecombinant LSM14A mRNA processing body assembly factor protein
重组RTL8A蛋白Recombinant RTL8A
Recombinant retrotransposon Gag like 8A protein重组20号染色体开放阅读框26蛋白
Recombinant CFAP61Recombinant cilia and flagella associated protein 61 protein
重组SGEF蛋白Recombinant ARHGEF26
Recombinant Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 26 protein重组CCDC9蛋白
Recombinant CCDC9Recombinant coiled-coil domain containing 9 protein
重组DCAF4蛋白Recombinant DCAF4
Recombinant DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4 protein重组1号染色体开放阅读框77蛋白
Recombinant CHTOPRecombinant chromatin target of PRMT1 protein
重组红细胞分化相关因子1蛋白Recombinant EDRF1
Recombinant erythroid differentiation regulatory factor 1 protein重组PYGO1蛋白
重组Pygopus同源物1(PYGO1)蛋白Recombinant PYGO1
重组卷曲螺旋结构域蛋白69Recombinant CCDC69
Recombinant coiled-coil domain containing 69 protein重组结构蛋白家族3
Recombinant TCTN3Recombinant tectonic family member 3 protein
重组KBP蛋白Recombinant KIFBP
Recombinant kinesin family binding protein重组Rab5激活蛋白6
Recombinant GAPVD1Recombinant GTPase activating protein and VPS9 domains 1 protein
重组TRPC4AP蛋白Recombinant TRPC4AP
Recombinant transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 4 associated protein重组锌指蛋白288
Recombinant ZBTB20Recombinant zinc finger and BTB domain containing 20 protein
重组RIBC2蛋白Recombinant RIBC2