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重组BTB/POZ结构域蛋白3Recombinant BTBD3
Recombinant BTB domain containing 3 protein重组ATP-依赖的RNA解旋酶30蛋白
Recombinant DHX30Recombinant DExH-box helicase 30 protein
重组肌动蛋白抑制因子1Recombinant SACM1L
Recombinant SAC1 like phosphatidylinositide phosphatase protein重组POMZP3蛋白
Recombinant POMZP3Recombinant POM121 and ZP3 fusion protein
重组固醇调节元件结合蛋白裂解激活蛋白Recombinant SCAP
Recombinant SREBF chaperone protein重组核受体共激活因子NCOA62蛋白
Recombinant SNW1Recombinant SNW domain containing 1 protein
重组PAXIP1蛋白Recombinant PAXIP1
Recombinant PAX interacting protein 1 protein重组Ninein样蛋白
Recombinant NINLRecombinant ninein like protein
重组DIP2C蛋白Recombinant DIP2C
Recombinant disco interacting protein 2 homolog C protein重组微管相关丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶1蛋白
Recombinant MAST1Recombinant microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase 1 protein
重组液泡蛋白分选受体SORCS3Recombinant SORCS3
Recombinant sortilin related VPS10 domain containing receptor 3 protein重组肌球蛋白15
Recombinant MYH15Recombinant myosin heavy chain 15 protein
重组山核桃素样蛋白1Recombinant PCNX1
Recombinant pecanex 1 protein重组高迁移率族结合蛋白N4
Recombinant HMGXB3Recombinant HMG-box containing 3 protein
重组中心体蛋白152Recombinant CEP152
Recombinant centrosomal protein 152 protein重组LIMCH1蛋白
重组含LIM调宁蛋白同源域蛋白1(LIMCH1)Recombinant LIMCH1
重组磷酯酶Cη1(PLCh1)蛋白Recombinant PLCH1
Recombinant phospholipase C eta 1 protein重组CNOT1蛋白
Recombinant CNOT1Recombinant CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 1 protein
重组SNRNP200蛋白Recombinant SNRNP200
Recombinant small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U5 subunit 200 protein重组跨膜和卷曲螺旋结构域蛋白1
Recombinant TMCC1Recombinant transmembrane and coiled-coil domain family 1 protein
重组SEMCAP3蛋白Recombinant PDZRN3
Recombinant PDZ domain containing ring finger 3 protein重组肌球蛋白16/Myosin XVI
Recombinant MYO16Recombinant myosin XVI protein
重组RNA结合蛋白34Recombinant RBM34
Recombinant RNA binding motif protein 34 protein重组USP33蛋白
Recombinant USP33Recombinant ubiquitin specific peptidase 33 protein
重组迟钝蛋白家族1Recombinant DOP1A
Recombinant DOP1 leucine zipper like protein A protein重组SAMD4A蛋白
Recombinant SAMD4ARecombinant sterile alpha motif domain containing 4A protein
重组PHLPP2蛋白Recombinant PHLPP2