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Amlodipine Besylate
Amlodipine Besylate图片
CAS NO:111470-99-6
10mM (in 1mL DMSO)电议

Amlodipine besylate (Amlodipine benzosulfonate) 是一种抗心绞痛剂和口服活性二氢吡啶钙通道阻滞剂,通过阻断电压依赖性 L 型钙通道起作用,从而抑制钙的初始流入。
Cas No.111470-99-6
别名苯磺酸氨氯地平; Amlodipine benzenesulfonate
化学名benzenesulfonic acid;3-O-ethyl 5-O-methyl 2-(2-aminoethoxymethyl)-4-(2-chlorophenyl)-6-methyl-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate
Canonical SMILESCCOC(=O)C1=C(NC(=C(C1C2=CC=CC=C2Cl)C(=O)OC)C)COCCN.C1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)O
溶解度≥ 26.05mg/mL in DMSO
储存条件Store at -20°C
General tipsFor obtaining a higher solubility , please warm the tube at 37 ℃ and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while.
Shipping ConditionEvaluation sample solution : ship with blue ice
All other available size: ship with RT , or blue ice upon request

Amlodipine besylate is a long-acting Ca2+ channel blocker that reduce blood pressure as an antihypertensive drugs.

Calcium channel is an ion channel that selectively permeable to calcium ions. It serves vital functions in cellular signal transduction.

In cortical neurons, treatment of amlodipine besylate (<= 5 um) rescued the viability of H(2) O(2) injured cell and elevated the free radicals levels. Amlodipine besylate exhibits neuroptorective effects, such as reducing oxidative stress, promoting survival signals and blocking death signals. [1] It also showed proliferative effect on human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells.[2]

In patient with exertional angina, amlodipine besylate reduced the total peripheral resistance and myocardial oxygen demand. In cat orally treated with amlodipine besylate daily, the average indirect systolic blood pressure were decreased without significant body weight/serum creatinine/potassium concentrations changes. [3]

[1] Lee YJ, Park HH, Koh SH, Choi NY, Lee KY.  Amlodipine besylate and amlodipine camsylate prevent cortical neuronal cell death induced by oxidative stress.  J Neurochem.  2011 Dec;119(6):1262-70. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2011.07529.x.
[2] Yoshida J, Ishibashi T, Nishio M.  Antiproliferative effect of Ca2+ channel blockers on human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells.  Eur J Pharmacol. 2003 Jul 4;472(1-2):23-31. 
[3] Henik RA, Snyder PS, Volk LM.  Treatment of systemic hypertension in cats with amlodipine besylate.  J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 1997 May-Jun;33(3):226-34.