主要性能和结构特点 / Main performance and structural characterisitics该机型的运行状态为“半自动运行”(即需人为操作设备的启停),空气进口、氮气出口设有过滤调压部件,氮气纯度由99.5-99.9%氮气分析仪在线检测,制氮吸附塔交替运行排空时,加装有快速排空装置,以达到制氮工艺快速脱附要求,延长了工艺电磁阀的使用寿命。 Running state of the machine is "semi-automatic operation" (that is, the need for operating the start-stop of the equipment). Air inlet and nitrogen outlet are equipped with pressure egulating components. Nitrogen purity is monitored by analyzer on-line, by 99.5-99.9% unit. Alternately emptying system of nitrogen adsorption tower, with a rapid emptying device, in order to achieve the requirements of rapid stripping in nitrogen making process, prolongs the life of electromagnetic valve. 适用范围 / Applicable适用于食品医药行业:面包、月饼、蛋黄派、法式面包、饼干、巧克力、雪米饼、药品、葡萄酒、茶叶以及各种农副产品的充氮保鲜包装。 此款机型适合个体食品企业进行充氮包装。建议使用节能系列食品保鲜制氮机。 Applicable to the food and pharmaceutical industry : the nitrogen-filled preservation and packaging of bread, moon cake, yolk pie, French bread, biscuits. chocolate. snow cake, pharmaceuticals, wine, tea and various agricultural and sideline products. This machine is suitable for individual food companies in nitrogen-filled packaging. It is recommended to use energy-saving series of nitrogen making machine for food preservation. 技术参数 / Technical parameter
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