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1 Recombinant MRGPRX31
2 重组G蛋白偶联受体MRGX31
3 重组G蛋白偶联受体MRGPRX1+3+41
4 Recombinant DCD1
5 重组皮敌菌素(DCD)蛋白1
6 重组抗菌蛋白DCD1
7 Recombinant SH2 domain containing 1B protein1
8 Recombinant SH2D1B1
9 重组EAT2蛋白1
10 Recombinant SCGB3A21
11 重组子宫珠蛋白相关蛋白1/肺炎分泌蛋白11
12 重组分泌球蛋白家族3A成员2(SCGB3A2)1
13 Recombinant cation channel sperm associated 1 protein1
14 Recombinant CATSPER11
15 重组阳离子通道精子相关蛋白11
16 Recombinant Cntn41
17 重组轴突相关粘附分子蛋白1
18 重组接触蛋白4(CNTN4)1
19 Recombinant MAS related GPR family member F protein1
20 Recombinant MRGPRF1
21 重组G蛋白偶联受体RTA蛋白1
22 Recombinant MAS1L1
23 重组MRGPRH蛋白1
24 重组G蛋白偶联受体MAS相关蛋白1
25 Recombinant IL22RA21
26 重组白介素22受体结合蛋白1
27 重组白介素22受体α2(IL22Ra2)蛋白1
28 Recombinant leucine rich repeat containing 3B protein1
29 Recombinant LRRC3B1
30 重组富含亮氨酸重复序列LRP15蛋白1
31 Recombinant ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 11 protein1
32 Recombinant ARL111
33 重组ADP核糖基化因子样11蛋白1
34 Recombinant DIS3 like exosome 3'-5' exoribonuclease protein1
35 Recombinant DIS3L1
36 重组有丝分裂控制样蛋白DIS3L1
37 Recombinant NOSTRIN1
38 重组一氧化氮合酶运输因子(NOSTRIN)蛋白1
39 重组一氧化氮合酶转运诱导蛋白1
40 Recombinant killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, three Ig domains and long cytoplasmic tail 3 protein1
41 Recombinant KIR3DL31
42 重组杀伤细胞免疫球蛋白样受体3DL3(KIR3DL3)1
43 Recombinant Fc receptor like 3 protein1
44 Recombinant FCRL31
45 重组FCRL3蛋白1
46 Recombinant membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 3 protein1
47 Recombinant MARCHF31
48 重组膜相关环指蛋白31
49 Recombinant coiled-coil domain containing 124 protein1
50 Recombinant CCDC1241
51 重组卷曲螺旋结构域蛋白1241
52 Recombinant CGAS1
53 重组含Mab21域蛋白1(MB21D1)1
54 重组MB21D1蛋白1
55 Recombinant VASN1
56 重组缝隙样蛋白Slitl21
57 重组Vasorin蛋白(VASN)1
58 Recombinant C1QTNF51
59 重组补体C1q和肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白51
60 重组C1q肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白5(C1QTNF5)1
61 Recombinant SET and MYND domain containing 4 protein1
62 Recombinant SMYD41
63 重组组蛋白甲基转移酶SMYD41
64 Recombinant Myb like, SWIRM and MPN domains 1 protein1
65 Recombinant MYSM11
66 重组MYSM1蛋白1
67 Recombinant LMTK31
68 重组丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶LMTK31
69 重组Lemur酪氨酸激酶3(LMTK3)蛋白1
70 Recombinant CYGB1
71 重组细胞球蛋白(CYGB)1
72 重组细胞球蛋白1
73 Recombinant sprouty protein with EVH-1 domain 1, related sequence protein1
74 Recombinant Spred11
75 重组SPRED1蛋白1
76 Recombinant selenoprotein M protein1
77 Recombinant Selenom1
78 重组硒蛋白M1
79 Recombinant TIRAP1
80 重组白细胞介素1受体衔接蛋白1
81 重组含Toll白介素1受体域衔接蛋白(TIRAP)1
82 Recombinant NLRP31
83 重组含NLR家族Pyrin域蛋白3(NLRP3)1
84 重组NALP3蛋白1
85 Recombinant v-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog a (paralog a) protein1
86 Recombinant mafa1
87 重组v-maf肌腱膜纤维肉瘤癌基因同源物A蛋白1
88 Recombinant serine dehydratase like protein1
89 Recombinant SDSL1
90 重组L-丝氨酸脱氨酶蛋白1
91 Recombinant CMTM11
92 重组趋化素样因子超家族成员1蛋白1
93 重组含CKLF样MARVEL跨膜域蛋白1(CMTM1)1
94 Recombinant antizyme inhibitor 2 protein1
95 Recombinant AZIN21
96 重组精氨酸脱羧酶蛋白1
97 Recombinant TP53 regulating kinase protein1
98 Recombinant TP53RK1
99 重组TP53调节激酶蛋白1
100 Recombinant IL17F1
[4685]   ...  [4641]  ...  [4577]   [4576]   [4575]   [4574]   [4573]   [4572]   [4571]   [4570]   [4569]   [4568]   [4567]   [4566]   [4565]   ...  [1825]  ...  [1]