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产品列表 产品名称索引 化工字典索引
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1 4-Thio-dTTP1
2 87-41-22
3 143824-78-62
4 Amprenavir-d4-11
5 Carbetocin acetate2
6 Z-His-Tyr-Tyr-OEt1
7 2'-Deoxyzebularine-TP1
8 RWJ221643
9 13053-63-91
10 RW221643
11 1892-57-52
12 115-29-71
13 GSK 221149A1
14 39445-21-14
15 5-hme-dCTP1
16 5-Formyl-dCTP1
17 Z-His-Phe(4-NO2)-Phe-OMe1
18 15574-28-41
19 5-Carboxy-dUTP1
20 28230-32-25
21 3'-dGTP1
22 ddATP4
23 3'-Azido-ddATP1
24 GSK 2211491
25 3'-Amino-ddATP1
26 1531634-31-78
27 3'-Amino-ddGTP1
28 Desthiobiotin-16-UTP1
29 83-30-72
30 86393-33-13
31 EZ Cap(TM)Reagent GG(3' OMe)1
32 CFDA SE Cell Tracer Kit1
33 Retosiban2
34 FE-2004401
35 2738376-78-61
36 Mucochloric acid1
37 87-56-91
38 Z-His-Phe-OH1
39 Flurazepam hydrochloride1
40 EGF,murine recombinant1
41 1172-18-51
42 Barusiban1
43 Cy3 NHS ester(Et)2
44 Cy5 carboxylic acid(Et)2
45 Aminobenzenesulfonic auristatin E2
46 WAY 316606 HCl1
47 1800462-99-02
48 N1,N11-Diethylnorspermine tetrahydrochloride2
49 285571-64-41
50 5072-26-47
51 RWJ22164 acetate1
52 RW22164 acetate1
53 D-Luciferin sodium salt1
54 5-Br-ddUTP1
55 N1-MOM-Pseudo-UTP1
56 Cy3-UTP1
57 Fluorescein-12-UTP1
58 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail(100X in DMSO,EDTA plus)1
59 GnRH Associated Peptide(1-13),human1
60 611-71-28
61 Cy3 NHS ester3
62 Cilastatin-15N,d32
63 87-17-28
64 [DAla4] Substance P(4-11)1
65 醋酸阿托西班2
66 Hypocretin-1 (human, rat, mouse)1
67 Cy7 NHS ester2
68 Adaprolol1
69 2738376-83-32
70 Topiroxostat-d42
71 Hypocretin(70-98),human1
72 Cy3,5 azide(non-sulfonated)2
73 Cy3 alkyne(non-sulfonated)2
74 Hesperitin4
75 Cy5 azide(non-sulfonated)2
76 Cy5,5 azide(non-sulfonated)2
77 Phusion high-fidelity DNA polymerase1
78 1129545-33-01
79 Genotyping Kit1
80 2732868-49-22
81 13053-69-51
82 HyperScribe(TM)T7 High Yield RNA Synthesis Kit1
83 Efizonerimod alfa1
84 ARCA Cy5 EGFP mRNA(5-moUTP)1
85 WX-6712
86 Hexakis(p-bromophenoxy)cyclotriphosphazene1
87 EZ Cap(TM)Cy5 Firefly Luciferase mRNA(5-moUTP)1
88 EZ Cap(TM)Cy5 EGFP mRNA(5-moUTP)1
89 1635395-27-51
90 13356-08-63
91 T-1101 tosylate3
92 Firefly Luciferase mRNA(ARCA,5-moUTP)1
93 Z-His-Gly-OH2
94 Taurine and hypotaurinemetabolism1
95 101479-70-31
96 Adapiprazine1
97 Cysteine and methionine metabolism1
98 Glycocholic Acid Sodium Salt2
99 2250404-95-42
100 1,2-Propanediol2
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