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Recombinant Nt5c3Recombinant 5'-nucleotidase, cytosolic III protein
重组Fam210a蛋白Recombinant Fam210a
Recombinant family with sequence similarity 210, member A protein重组环指蛋白187
Recombinant Rnf187Recombinant ring finger protein 187 protein
重组Flacc1蛋白Recombinant Flacc1
Recombinant flagellum associated containing coiled-coil domains 1 protein重组甲状腺受体8蛋白
Recombinant Jmjd1cRecombinant jumonji domain containing 1C protein
重组视黄醇脱氢酶13蛋白Recombinant Rdh13
Recombinant retinol dehydrogenase 13 (all-trans and 9-cis) protein重组环指蛋白169
Recombinant Rnf169Recombinant ring finger protein 169 protein
重组Tbc1d10c蛋白Recombinant Tbc1d10c
Recombinant TBC1 domain family, member 10c protein重组甲基丙二酸尿症cblA蛋白
Recombinant MmaaRecombinant methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) type A protein
重组免疫球蛋白A诱导同源蛋白Recombinant Igip
Recombinant IgA inducing protein重组驱动蛋白家族成员24
Recombinant Kif24Recombinant kinesin family member 24 protein
重组Ssc4d蛋白Recombinant Ssc4d
Recombinant scavenger receptor cysteine rich family, 4 domains protein重组补体C1q肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白7
Recombinant C1qtnf7Recombinant C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 7 protein
重组碳酸氢钠协同转运蛋白5-A10Recombinant Slc5a10
Recombinant solute carrier family 5 (sodium/glucose cotransporter), member 10 protein重组Taar1蛋白
Recombinant Taar1Recombinant trace amine-associated receptor 1 protein
重组抑制细胞凋亡样蛋白2Recombinant BIRC8
Recombinant baculoviral IAP repeat containing 8 protein重组DTD2蛋白
Recombinant DTD2Recombinant D-aminoacyl-tRNA deacylase 2 protein
重组黑素皮质素2受体辅助蛋白2Recombinant MRAP2
Recombinant melanocortin 2 receptor accessory protein 2 protein重组TUBA3E蛋白
Recombinant TUBA3ERecombinant tubulin alpha 3e protein
重组卷曲螺旋结构域蛋白104Recombinant CFAP36
Recombinant cilia and flagella associated protein 36 protein重组甲状旁腺(激)素及类似物蛋白
Recombinant PTH2Recombinant parathyroid hormone 2 protein
重组AHNAK核蛋白2Recombinant AHNAK2
Recombinant AHNAK nucleoprotein 2 protein重组LARP4蛋白
Recombinant LARP4Recombinant La ribonucleoprotein 4 protein
重组糖皮质激素诱导转录蛋白1Recombinant GLCCI1
Recombinant glucocorticoid induced 1 protein重组DNA解旋酶HEL308蛋白
Recombinant HELQRecombinant helicase, POLQ like protein
重组ADPRHL1蛋白Recombinant ADPRHL1
Recombinant ADP-ribosylhydrolase like 1 protein重组7号染色体开放阅读框29蛋白
Recombinant ZBED10PRecombinant zinc finger BED-type containing 10, pseudogene protein