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位置:首页 > 产品索引第2221页
Recombinant heat shock protein, alpha-crystallin-related, B9 protein重组细胞色素C氧化酶蛋白8C
Recombinant Cox8cRecombinant cytochrome c oxidase subunit 8C protein
重组MORN5蛋白Recombinant Morn5
Recombinant MORN repeat containing 5 protein重组脂肪酸结合蛋白12
Recombinant Fabp12Recombinant fatty acid binding protein 12 protein
重组1号染色体开放阅读框194(C1orf194)蛋白Recombinant Cfap276
Recombinant cilia and flagella associated protein 276 protein重组POU5F2蛋白
Recombinant Pou5f2Recombinant POU domain class 5, transcription factor 2 protein
重组ZC3H14蛋白Recombinant Zc3h14
Recombinant zinc finger CCCH type containing 14 protein重组1号染色体开放阅读框227蛋白
Recombinant Spata45Recombinant spermatogenesis associated 45 protein
重组6号染色体开放阅读框206蛋白Recombinant Rsph9
Recombinant radial spoke head 9 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein重组Capsl蛋白
Recombinant CapslRecombinant calcyphosine-like protein
重组Dynap蛋白Recombinant Dynap
Recombinant dynactin associated protein重组Yipf7蛋白
Recombinant Yipf7Recombinant Yip1 domain family, member 7 protein
重组Calml4蛋白Recombinant Calml4
Recombinant calmodulin-like 4 protein重组19号染色体开放阅读框50蛋白
Recombinant Kxd1Recombinant KxDL motif containing 1 protein
重组精子顶体膜相关蛋白3Recombinant Spaca3
Recombinant sperm acrosome associated 3 protein重组20号染色体开放阅读框165蛋白
Recombinant Spata25Recombinant spermatogenesis associated 25 protein
重组7号染色体开放阅读框45蛋白Recombinant Ssmem1
Recombinant serine-rich single-pass membrane protein 1 protein重组Wdr54蛋白
Recombinant Wdr54Recombinant WD repeat domain 54 protein
重组NUDT16蛋白Recombinant Nudt16
Recombinant nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 16 protein重组锚蛋白重复及SAM结构域蛋白6
Recombinant Anks6Recombinant ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 6 protein
重组FLJ39378蛋白Recombinant Rilpl1
Recombinant Rab interacting lysosomal protein-like 1 protein重组IQCD蛋白
Recombinant IqcdRecombinant IQ motif containing D protein
重组棕榈酰化膜蛋白7Recombinant Mpp7
Recombinant membrane protein, palmitoylated 7 (MAGUK p55 subfamily member 7) protein重组Dcaf17蛋白
Recombinant Dcaf17Recombinant DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 17 protein
重组DNA修复蛋白GIYD2Recombinant Slx1b
Recombinant SLX1 structure-specific endonuclease subunit homolog B (S. cerevisiae) protein重组Dcstamp蛋白
Recombinant DcstampRecombinant dendrocyte expressed seven transmembrane protein
重组Plppr5蛋白Recombinant Plppr5
Recombinant phospholipid phosphatase related 5 protein重组Pnpla5蛋白