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Recombinant zinc finger protein 350 protein重组前列腺癌和乳腺癌高表达蛋白
Recombinant PBOV1Recombinant prostate and breast cancer overexpressed 1 protein
重组TMEM35A蛋白Recombinant TMEM35A
Recombinant transmembrane protein 35A protein重组血管壁相连蛋白样蛋白1
Recombinant GPBP1L1Recombinant GC-rich promoter binding protein 1 like 1 protein
重组MYG1蛋白Recombinant MYG1
Recombinant MYG1 exonuclease protein重组A激酶锚定蛋白14
Recombinant Akap14Recombinant A-kinase anchoring protein 14 protein
重组中心体蛋白78Recombinant Cep78
Recombinant centrosomal protein 78 protein重组溶质载体家族25成员19蛋白
重组线粒体解偶联蛋白1Recombinant SLC25A19
重组SLC5A7蛋白Recombinant SLC5A7
Recombinant solute carrier family 5 member 7 protein重组透明质酸及粘蛋白2
Recombinant HAPLN2Recombinant hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 2 protein
重组TRM11蛋白Recombinant TRMT11
Recombinant tRNA methyltransferase 11 homolog protein重组卷曲螺旋结构域蛋白90B
Recombinant CCDC90BRecombinant coiled-coil domain containing 90B protein
重组夜盲蛋白NYXRecombinant NYX
Recombinant nyctalopin protein重组AGBL5蛋白
Recombinant AGBL5Recombinant AGBL carboxypeptidase 5 protein
重组Syt9蛋白Recombinant Syt9
Recombinant synaptotagmin IX protein重组FIGNL1蛋白
Recombinant Fignl1Recombinant fidgetin-like 1 protein
重组神经肽NPSF蛋白Recombinant Npvf
Recombinant neuropeptide VF precursor protein重组延伸因子4蛋白
Recombinant GUF1Recombinant GTP binding elongation factor GUF1 protein
重组信号肽复合物亚基3蛋白Recombinant SPCS3
Recombinant signal peptidase complex subunit 3 protein重组DHX35蛋白
Recombinant DHX35Recombinant DEAH-box helicase 35 protein
重组CELF5蛋白Recombinant CELF5
Recombinant CUGBP Elav-like family member 5 protein重组SMAP1蛋白
Recombinant SMAP1Recombinant small ArfGAP 1 protein
重组转运蛋白TRAPPC11Recombinant TRAPPC11
Recombinant trafficking protein particle complex subunit 11 protein重组环指蛋白123
Recombinant RNF123Recombinant ring finger protein 123 protein
重组VIPAS39蛋白Recombinant VIPAS39
Recombinant VPS33B interacting protein, apical-basolateral polarity regulator, spe-39 homolog protein重组PIEZO2蛋白
Recombinant PIEZO2Recombinant piezo type mechanosensitive ion channel component 2 protein
重组乳腺癌增强蛋白Recombinant HEATR6
Recombinant HEAT repeat containing 6 protein重组含SH2结构域蛋白D4A