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Recombinant FBXO40Recombinant F-box protein 40 protein
重组RAGEF2蛋白Recombinant RAPGEF6
Recombinant Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 6 protein重组乳腺癌相关抗原BRCAA1蛋白
Recombinant ARID4BRecombinant AT-rich interaction domain 4B protein
重组环磷酸腺苷调节元件相关蛋白1Recombinant LUC7L3
Recombinant LUC7 like 3 pre-mRNA splicing factor protein重组非霍奇金淋巴瘤蛋白
Recombinant RTEL1Recombinant regulator of telomere elongation helicase 1 protein
重组缺氧诱导基因1B蛋白Recombinant HIGD1B
Recombinant HIG1 hypoxia inducible domain family member 1B protein重组鼻咽癌细胞相关基因6蛋白
Recombinant TMEM8BRecombinant transmembrane protein 8B protein
重组9号染色体开放阅读框78蛋白Recombinant C9orf78
Recombinant chromosome 9 open reading frame 78 protein重组SYT17蛋白
Recombinant SYT17Recombinant synaptotagmin 17 protein
重组G蛋白γ13/Gγ13Recombinant GNG13
Recombinant G protein subunit gamma 13 protein重组剪切及多聚腺苷酸化特异因子蛋白2
Recombinant Cpsf2Recombinant cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 2 protein
重组小肠钠通道蛋白5Recombinant ASIC5
Recombinant acid sensing ion channel subunit family member 5 protein重组Clec4f蛋白
Recombinant Clec4fRecombinant C-type lectin domain family 4, member f protein
重组Rif1蛋白Recombinant Rif1
Recombinant replication timing regulatory factor 1 protein重组Tmem141蛋白
Recombinant Tmem141Recombinant transmembrane protein 141 protein
重组卷曲螺旋结构域蛋白39Recombinant Ccdc39
Recombinant coiled-coil domain containing 39 protein重组TRAF4相关因子1蛋白
Recombinant KnstrnRecombinant kinetochore-localized astrin/SPAG5 binding protein
重组钾通道多聚体结构域KCTD18蛋白Recombinant Kctd18
Recombinant potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 18 protein重组轴索过度生长抑制因子B受体蛋白
Recombinant Nus1Recombinant NUS1 dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase subunit protein
重组锚蛋白重复结构域蛋白22Recombinant Ankrd22
Recombinant ankyrin repeat domain 22 protein重组SAPS结构域家族3蛋白
Recombinant Ppp6r3Recombinant protein phosphatase 6, regulatory subunit 3 protein
重组Tmem38b蛋白Recombinant Tmem38b
Recombinant transmembrane protein 38B protein重组Ccdc97蛋白
Recombinant Ccdc97Recombinant coiled-coil domain containing 97 protein
重组Tmem222蛋白Recombinant Tmem222
Recombinant transmembrane protein 222 protein毒死蜱快速检测试纸条
氯霉素(组织中)快速检测试纸条组织中氯霉素快速检测试纸条-Easy prepTM
Recombinant RragdRecombinant Ras-related GTP binding D protein