产品介绍 氧化钛纳米管具有纳米级管状结构,这使得其表面积大,孔隙结构多样。这种结构特点有利于光催化反应中光能的吸收和催化效率的提升。二氧化钛纳米管具有丰富的活性表面和催化活性,能够高效地吸收光能并产生电子-空穴对,从而引发氧化还原反应。这种高效的光催化性能使其在环境治理、能源转换等领域具有广泛的应用前景。本产品采用水热法,在水中处理含钛前驱体.温度升高,环境受控。压力容器中的成品是锂,钠,或钛酸钾纳米线,然后对这些纳米线进行纯化、分散和中和,高温煅烧。 技术参数 形态:白色湿块状 直径:~10 nm 长度:~10 μm 溶剂:水 应用 Fillers for various nanocomposites including nanowire polymer composites, nanowire metal composite, and nanowire ceramic composites Fillers for various adhesives and paints Fillers for various high performance films Nanowire porous ceramic membranes for chemical and water filtration, which can used in strong acids and bases High temperature non-woven textiles White pigments for plastics, paints, rubbers, cosmetics, man-made fibers, papers, and ceramics Surface coatings Catalyst supports Photocatalysts Dye-sensitized, polymer-based, and quantum dot (QD) solar cells (photovoltaic and photocatalytic cells) Water splitting for hydrogen production Chemical sensors, especially high temperature gas sensors Anodes of lithium ion batteries Fuel cells 其他信息 订货信息